Arts In Harmony Weekend

This past weekend was exciting – visiting with friends and attending the 20th annual Arts in Harmony reception in Elk River, MN. My wife and I were able to spend time with Jeff (high school buddy) and Melanie Locke – recall old times, eat good food, drink wine, tour the JJ Hill mansion (Saint Paul) and spend some time in Common Good Books, Garrison Keillor’s bookstore in Saint Paul. Oh yes, spend a lot of time at Caribou Coffee (no longer in Illinois or Wisconsin).


As a bonus, I was honored to have my image “Rookery #1” receive the first place award in photography in Arts in Harmony. The show has grown to having over 600 submissions, 212 pieces accepted, representing 30 states from Alaska to New York. Thanks to all who make the show what it is today. I would also like to highlight two photography/printers from the Saint Paul/Minneapolis area that have influenced me the past few years.


Keith Taylor ( is a printer (platinum, polymergravure, 3-color gum dichromate, and silver) and photographer. He has mastered those alternative processes to the point that photographers contract with him to print their work. His current projects are The Badlands and Dark Matter.


Cy DeCosse ( is also a master photographer currently creating primarily platinum and 3-color gum dichromate prints. Mr. DeCosse brings his artistic painting background to his work in photography. Keith Taylor (above) prints Mr. DeCosse’s images. This site has a good description of all three alternative processes that are used in printing his images. His 3-color gum dichromate prints are awe-inspiring. The “Midnight Garden” project was highlighted in LensWork #114. I highly recommend that you spend some time on his site reviewing his collections.